·  TEL. 93 449 7196 · EMAIL esc-santjaume@xtec.cat

Projecte Escola Plurilingüe

Let's sing

Els alumnes de 6èA i 6èB hem realitzat aquesta activitat 2.0. com a repàs de la feina que hem desenvolupat aquests darrers mesos al taller Let’s Sing. Podeu entrar i provar sort amb els vostres coneixements musicals i de llengua anglesa.... Sereu capaços de superar el rècord?


All the students in 6thA and 6thB have done this 2.0 activity as a summary of all our work during these months in the workshop Let’s Sing. You can go into it and try to be lucky showing your knowledge about music and English language... Will you be able to improve our score?


